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Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Kinsey Scale - 1277 Words
Human Sexuality 21 Professor Lanoix December 4, 2012 Pros and Cons of the Kinsey’s Scale Sex was such a horrible topic to talk about, but a biologist of Indiana University introduced a scale that broke the silence. The silence changed due to this biologist named Alfred C. Kinsey (1894-1956). Kinsey broke the silence because before the scale everyone would keep their sexual orientation to themselves and most likely did not tell anyone. In other words, he was a great influence to people because since then people have become a bit more open about themselves. The importance of Kinsey is that he has conducted several of researches. For instance, on one of his research he found out that many people had sexual experiences with both female†¦show more content†¦They would view the life of homosexuals with a clear mind that isn’t going to judge instead of fighting against what they have been taught since birth. The gender roles teach people how to act according to their sex; if someone goes against the traditional teachings than they are viewed as outcasts. Societ y looks at them as a mishap. This article strengthens the Kinsey scale because it shows how subjective views can affect the lives of people for the worse. For example, the subjective bias view of Wardle, a law professor at Brigham Young University has affected the lives of homosexuals in several states because he: charged the legal profession and social scientists with an ideological bias favoring gay rights that has compromised most research in this field and the liberal judicial and policy decisions it has informed. He presented a harshly critical assessment of the research and argued for a presumptive judicial standard in favor of awarding child custody to heterosexual married couples. The following year, Wardle drafted new state regulations in Utah that restrict adoption and foster care placements to households in which all adults are related by blood or marriage (Biblarz Stacey 2001). Wardle’s state regulations spread to â€Å"Florida, Arkansas, and Mississippi [they] have [also] imposed restrictions on adoption and/or foster care, and such bills have been introduced in the legislatures of 10 additional states†(Biblarz Stacey 2001). Paul Cameron,Show MoreRelatedAlfred Charles Kinsey s The Reception Of The Kinsey1378 Words  | 6 PagesAlfred Charles Kinsey vs. Historian Dagmar Herzog Alfred Charles Kinsey altered the way in which people of the twentieth century understood homosexuality. Kinsey’s findings created a great deal of discussion and controversy that became an enduring part of American culture. Historian Dagmar Herzog’s work The Reception of the Kinsey Reports in Europe observed European and American reactions to both volumes of Kinsey’s work. Alfred Charles Kinsey’s work supports and challenges Historian Dagmar Herzog’sRead MoreAlfred Kinsey s Influence On Sexuality1420 Words  | 6 PagesAlfred Kinsey remains one of the most controversial biologist human sexologist even 60 years after his death. Kinsey broke many taboos with his studies dealing with human sexuality such as masturbation, homosexuality, and premarital sex. While many of his methods was criticized by his peers, the field of psychology human sexuality would not be where it is without him. Alfred Kinsey was born in Hoboken, NJ in 1894(1). His paren ts were very strict Christian Methodists who were involved in the churchRead MoreDiversity in Sexual Orientation1149 Words  | 5 Pagescame across the work of Dr. Alfred Kinsey, the creator of the Kinsey scale. Dr. Kinsey created The Kinsey scale, a scale that attempts to describe and/or measure a persons sexual history or episodes of their sexual activity at a given time. â€Å"The scale ranked sexual behavior from 0 to 6, with 0 being completely heterosexual and 6 completely homosexual. An additional category, X, was mentioned to describe as asexual, those who experienced no sexual desire.†(Kinsey, et al. (1948), page 640, tableRead MoreAlfred Kinsey s Research On Sexual Orientation901 Words  | 4 Pageschallenge Alfred Kinsey’s findings. To begin with, Kinsey is known to be a famously flawed icon because of his problematic research sampling. It is said to be not representative of the population at the time since he mostly interviewed volunteers, who were apparently more open in sexual-related topic – perhaps because they had sex lives. In the 1990s, Edward Laumann of the University of Chicago, who conducted a similar research, smaller scale yet more reliable than Kinsey’s. His findings state thatRead MoreSexuality And Its Impact On Our Values And Experience Taught By Alfred C. Kinsey1649 Words  | 7 Pagesaccept it as a moral behavior. Yet they are people of religious faith who see sexuality on a whole another scale that is based on the ideas of heteronormativity and the rejection of what society see same sex practices. For me I internalized biblical values that conflicts with the ideas of diverse sexuality because it include same-sex intercourse. Nevertheless through the works of Alfred C. Kinsey , C.J Pascoe, Lisa L. Diamonds John Corvino and Tech they all point out the beauty of sexual fluidity andRead MoreCorrelation Between Self Esteem And Healthy Individuals996 Words  | 4 Pagescorrelations between self-esteem scores on the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1989) with relationship choice, including polyamory, swinging, BDSM and open relationships. The researcher believes that based on the evidence presented of individuals who engage in CNM having many of the same traits as those with higher scores on self-esteem scales that the individuals who engage in CNM will also score high on a self-esteem scale. (For this proposal non-consensual non-monogamous relationships willRead MoreOpen Marriages Are A Form Of Relationship1043 Words  | 5 PagesOpen marriages are a form of relationship first brought into the public eye by Alfred Kinsey in the 1960s. Since then, the idea of approved extra-martial affairs have become even more popular, despite the uneducated critics hollering about it being an insult to the institution of marriage, or a way to justify cheating on one’s significant other. As open marriages start to become a more feasible option for couples looking to explore their sexuality, a common question always seems to come up; thisRead MoreGay Marriage And Its Slow Progression Of Acceptance1441 Words  | 6 Pages instead occurs on a continuum, or in this case a spectrum of a wide variety of sexual identities that most are unaware of (Kinsey 1948). As most know, heterosexuality is the attraction to members of the opposite sex, while homosexuality is the attraction to members of the same sex, and bisexuality is the attraction to members of both sexes. However, biologist and professor Alfred Kinsey, argues that â€Å"males do not represent two discrete populations, heterosexual and homosexual. The world is not to be dividedRead MoreThe Issue Of Sexual Orientation1090 Words  | 5 Pagesnecessary. This is the reason why in 1948 sexologist Alfred Kinsey created the Heterosexual-Homosexual Rating Scale (commonly referred as Kinsey Scale). Kinsey proposed that the sexual behavioral attractions of humans should be analyzed individually in order to assign them a place in his scale. The scale consists of a rating from 0 through 6, which represents exclusively heterosexual and exclusively homosexual respectively. Although the scale describes sexual orientation as a continuum and does notRead MoreWhat Does It Mean? America? Essay1242 Words  | 5 Pagesover-sexualized by the media and subscribes to the delegitimization of female bisexuality and makes male bisexuality seem like just a stepping stone or a closet term for their own homosexuality. The Kinsey Scale is a chart that is intended to describe one’s sexuality/sexual experience. One side of the scale being exclusively heterosexual, while on the other side, exclusively homosexual; anything in-between is considered bisexual. This chart is misleading considering the fact that it does not include
Monday, December 16, 2019
The Matrix And The Allegory Of The Cave Analysis - 1102 Words
Written over two thousand years apart, The Matrix and The Allegory of the Cave still stir up the same type of intellectual discussions over full enlightenment despite taking place in an entirely different world. Written between 380 and 360 B.C, The Allegory of the Cave, depicts a hypothetical situation in which a group of prisoners have been chained since birth only able to see the shadows casted on to the wall in front of them. They know nothing more than the shadows they see on the wall, completely oblivious to everything going on in the world. However, just because that’s all they know, doesn’t mean that’s all there is, it isn’t until they are unchained and introduced to the real world that they are truly enlightened. Much later, in†¦show more content†¦Not knowing anything other than the shadows and not being told anything else has led them to believe that what they were looking at was true. Very similarly the matrix is a world created by comp uters creating a false reality for everyone living in it. The matrix creates a simulation of a world the humans are living in causing them to believe their world is real despite the fact the real world is being controlled by artificial intelligence. Lastly, the plot of each story is very similar. Both works begin by introducing the main character(s) who are living their life not knowing the truth about reality. And although it might happen in different ways, Neo and the prisoners are â€Å"freed†from what they know as reality and introduced to the real world. Each story then goes on to show how they are now capable of infinite wisdom now that they know what is in fact real. Despite each story going through that process quite differently, the main idea is essentially the same throughout The Matrix and The Allegory of the Cave. On the contrary, the stories differ in the fact that the prisoners in The Allegory weren’t able to choose to be enlightened like Neo did. The prisoners were unchained from the life the knew watching the shadows on the wall and were basically forced outside to the actual realities of the world. Neo was given the option to take theShow MoreRelatedThe Matrix And Allegory Of The Cave Analysis769 Words  | 4 Pagesboth The Matrix and Allegory of the Cave. The Matrix, written by Lana Wachowski illustrates many questions throughout. The main character, Neo, tries finding Morpheus in need of an answer to his question. What is the Matrix? Considering, Morpheus is the most dangerous man alive, he does all that he can to find him. Neo is approached by Trinity and led to the underworld to meet Morpheus. They soon realize that Neo is â€Å"The One†who can defeat the Matrix. Similarly,The Allegory of the Cave,which tookRead MoreAllegory Of The Cave And The Matrix Analysis1986 Wo rds  | 8 Pagespossible,†(The Matrix). These words spoken at the conclusion of the Wachowski Brothers’ 1999 film, The Matrix, by the main character Neo represent a deeper meaning and a connection to ancient literature many people viewing the film might not realize. This quote relates to a work of literature more than two millennia old, the narrative by Plato called The Allegory of the Cave. Much like how Neo must endure the stages of enlightenment to rise from the blissful ignorance controlled by the matrix in the movieRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Allegory Of The Cave And The Wachoskis The Matrix921 Words  | 4 PagesIn addition, the people in the allegory give up to walked out of the cave that still back to the dark. Besides in the movie, Neo found out that which the world, which he lived a long time was the in illusory world. Both of Plato’s â€Å"Allegory of the Cave†and the Wachoskis’ The Matrix are involved in this principles; ho wever, they are having some similarities and differences that between their changes and their worlds. In the allegory, the people who lived in the cave is restrained with the iron ropeRead MoreComparing The Matrix With Readings From Plato And Descartes1023 Words  | 5 Pagescontrasting The Matrix with readings from Plato and Descartes This essay will discuss The Matrix, from synopsis of the following; The Republic by Plato, depicting the famous cave allegory, and Meditations on First Philosophy by Descartes, offering doubt that some senses are accurate. By examining these two readings, and the movie, it will allow the author to show some comparisons, and to show how they are also different as this essay indicates the world is very real. The Matrix In The MatrixRead MoreEssay on The Matrix and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave 1922 Words  | 8 Pagesand what is simply illusion brought by our subjective view of the world? But when attempting to understand the nature of our existence, about why we are here, the complexities of life often make it difficult to interpret this subject. The film The Matrix centers on this same concept that the known world is an illusion. The movies core theme of reality and illusion is definite to the humans understanding of what the true meaning of life is. Ones understanding of reality is only defined by their choiceRead MoreAnalysis of Film The Matrix Essay1575 Words  | 7 PagesAnalysis of Film The Matrix The Matrix, released at Easter in 1999, is both a piece of cinematic entertainment and a film portraying religious and philosophical allegories. The Matrix can therefore be viewed from two different perspectives; purely as an action film or instead on a deeper level, exploring the more insidious values hidden in the plot. As a piece of cinematic entertainment, the Matrix was a very successful film release. It contains fight scenes, chaseRead MoreAnalysis Of Irigaray In The Allegory Of The Cave756 Words  | 4 PagesIrigaray 2: Explain Irigaray’s role as a reader of Plato. What does she hope to do? In interpreting Plato’s â€Å"The Allegory of the Cave,†Luce Irigaray implements a feminist critique of his work; thus, exposing its aid in the patriarchy, while essentially providing a viable response to the male-oriented exclusion of women from advancing through philosophical thought. Throughout her analysis of Plato, Irigaray is wary of the assumptions plagued when reading Plato and gives further reason for pause andRead MoreThe And Of The Cave1314 Words  | 6 Pageswith his cave allegory explained in Lecture I: Plato (Lecture I: Plato, 2015, Dr. Jung-Yeup Kim). Human beings live in a cave in which they are prisoners. In order to be set free and to leave this cave, it is primordial for them to use mental analysis, in order words their reason. However, they might risk imprisoning themselves in a blinding logic by over reasoning and over rationalizing. Hence, it is necessary to understand how the use of reason permits individuals to escape from the cave. A humanRead MoreCartesian and Platonic Philosophical Themes in The Matrix Essay2065 Words  | 9 Pagesin the movie The Matrix. It will step through how the questions from the movie directly relate to both skepticism and the mind-body problem, and further how similarly those problems look to concepts raised by both Descartes’ and Plato’s philosophies. It will attempt to show that many of the questions raised in the movie are metaphor for concepts from each philosopher’s works, and why those concepts are important in relation to how they are presented in the film. In this analysis, we will examineRead More Platos The Republic and The Old Testament Essay2260 Words  | 10 Pagesprovide us with a more acute representation of those themes and ideas than would any individual portion thereof. The Perennial Philosophy, then, is exactly the point of view I will work from as I elucidate the connections between Plato’s allegory of the Cave and the Judeo-Christian myths. Both of these accounts, I will argue, make reference to precisely the same state of wakefulness that we encountered in the Buddhist parable above, but each does it in a manner constrained by the historical and
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Stray Loss free essay sample
Generally, there is a simplified understanding that the socalled load losses in a transformer (load losses, PL ) depend on the ohmlc resistance of the windings. This Is only partly true, as the losses arising from magnetic leakage flux in various metal parts of a transformer constitute a signlflcant part of the total losses. This component of total losses is called 0 stray (additional) loss (Ps ). In addition, experts distinguish between the stray losses In the windings (winding eddy loss: ddy-current loss in conductors, and circulating-current loss in parallel strands) and outside the windings (stray 2 magnetic shield on the tank yoke clamping plate 3 core The company Kon ©ar Power Transformers (KPT) has been applying for over 25 years of a systematic approach in the research, control and continuous reduction of stray losses from magnetic leakage flux. Here are only several segments resulting from the complex and variegated activity, ohmic losses 12R, the calculation of stray losses represents an exceptionally complex process, for which there is still no standardised method of determining them in the ransformer calculation phase. The basis for the calculation of stray losses is the knowledge of the magnetic leakage field in a transformer. The main tool for solving this problem in KPT is a computer programme for the calculation of the magnetic leakage field in the transformer window, by means of which the magnetic field in a cylindrical coordinate system is determined at any point in or around the winding. Although stray losses, as a rule, are linked with the magnetic leakage field of windings, the high-current loops and their respective magnetic fields should not be neglected. Generally, stray losses appear in all metal parts penetrated y the magnetic leakage field produced by the windings or current losses in structural parts: tank, clamps, etc). Large transformers, especially autotransformers or transformers with higher short-circuit impedance, can generate stray losses accounting for 30-50% of the ohmic losses 12R, and, exceptionally, even more. The problem of transformer stray losses can be considered from three aspects: how to calculate them as accurately as possible, how to reduce them to a reasonable level, and how to prevent possible dangerous local overheating of transformer parts resulting from the losses. outer package of the core limb oops. This means that there are many potential locations where stray losses may appear, and the most important ones are those: in winding conductors, due to eddy-currents (skin-effect); in winding parallel strands, due to circulating currents; in tank, due to magnetic leakage flux from the windings; in tank cover, around the high-current bushings; in clamping plates of the core yoke, due to the winding leakage flux; in core sheets at the outer packages of the core limbs, due to the winding leakage flux. As stray losses are generated at many places in a transformer, it would be extremely difficult to determine ith sufficient reliability the total loss level by calculating every e I emen t individually. Therefore, simplified integral methods, yielding much better results on the basis of several influential parameters and coefficients determined from experience, are preferred. The main influential parameters that are most relevant in calculating stray losses are: a) the value of the magnetic leakage flux of windings, b) transformer tank shielding, and c) high-current loops in transformer. Stray losses in a transformer are reduced i. e. controlled by taking several appropriate measures, depending on the type and size of a ransformer. Some of the measures use of small-dimensioned conductors for windings; use of the so-called continuously transposed conductors in the case of high currents; optimum transposition of parallel strands; magnetic shielding of the inner tank walls; use of nonmagnetic steel in the areas of strong magnetic fields; maximum possible distance of all large metal parts from the strong magnetic fields; optimum spatial dimensioning of high-current loops; optimum selection of the winding type. Reduction of the total losses in a transformer results in increasing its efficiency (h), or decreasing the price of the active part. However, in the case of very large transformers, control of high local losses and prevention of local overheating (hot spots) is often a more important problem. For the control of the local losses and overheating KPT has developed several technical procedures and computer programmes. The following controls are frequently used: calculation of the maximum local losses in the windings (e. g. t the ends of the windings) due to eddyocurrents in conductors; calculation of losses and local overheating of core sheets at the outer packages of the core limbs; to magnetic leakage flux of the windings; control of local heating on the ransformer tank cover in the area of high-current bushings. A separate topic are additional losses and local hot-spots in special transformers with high-currents , such The application of transposed conductor is an efficient method for decreasing stray losses due to circulating currents and of skin-effect in high-current windings. ectifier and furnace transformers, where preventing of local overheating is more important problem than the level of additional losses. Additional measures for reducing local losses and overheating are applied in such transformers, for instance: electromagnetic shields made of luminium or copper plates, wooden yoke clamps instead of steel clamps. An appropriate question would be whether the achieved level of knowledge provides, from the aspect of stray losses and local overheating, sufficient guarantee that even the largest transformers with extremely high magnetic leakage flux will have relatively low values of stray losses and local overheating below the permissible level. The thirty years of experience in the production of large transformers in KPT, strict application of a wide range of technical procedures, together research on physical and mathematical models certainly give such guarantee. The verified permanent trend of decreasing the level of stray losses in transformers over the several past years speaks in favour of this manufacturer. KPT has developed a very efficient shielding system for the inner tank wall by means of magnetic shield of specific design. Magnetic shielding of the tank represents a standard technique of decreasing stray losses in medium-sized transformers,
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Waste Generation Essay Example
Waste Generation Essay ‘Waste’ is a very general word, used to include anything that is no longer needed for use and is thrown away uncared. It has created and added a new problem to the environmental pollution. Pollution also creates serious problems for human health. There is remarkable growth in energy generation, fertilizers, pesticides, chemicals, production of coal etc. All these and much more is expected to increase in the years to come. For this, we need to understand different sources of waste. GENERATION OF WASTE: ITS SOURCES What is Waste? Any thing that is no longer needed for use and is thrown away uncared, is Waste. Wastes – (a) Occupy some space (wherever they are thrown), (b) produce smell and (c) have weight. Therefore, wastes are matter only. Therefore, the material, which is discarded after use, is referred to as waste. Usually the term waste is used for solid residues. Actually, waste is not only solid but also liquid and gaseous. Now it is clear that unwanted wastes contaminate air, water and soil ecosystems. Although all living beings generate waste products, in our country the population is more than 100 crore, hence we can imagine the amount of waste that is added to the surroundings. All human activities generate waste, therefore tones of waste is produced every year by various human activities. Most of the waste generated from household activities, industries, offices, hospitals and agriculture. Nevertheless, more waste is generated in urban areas than in villages. |DO YOU KNOW †¦..? | |Pollution refers to any undesirable change in our environment i. e. ir, water and soil that may adversely affect humans or other | |species. Pollutants cause the pollution. In simple words, pollutants are the wastes, which are residues of things we make use and throw| |away. | Sources of Waste Generation The sources of waste generation are many and vary from country to country and city to city. It is generated from a number of sources. The major sources are – 1. Domestic sources of waste 2 . Industrial sources of waste 3. Agricultural waste 4. Municipal waste 5. Commercial waste 6. Medical waste 7. Electronic waste 8. Hazardous waste 1. Domestic waste : We will write a custom essay sample on Waste Generation specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Waste Generation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Waste Generation specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Domestic sources of waste are commonly known as refuse. It can be classified into following categories – a) Garbage: These are the things that are used for a period and then thrown as waste. It contains fruits and vegetables peels, kitchen garbage, household rubbish, paper, plastics, glasses, broken bottles, etc. It has to be deposited properly as it breeds flies and insects. They spread various diseases. b) Rubbish: It contains paper, plastics, rubber, wood etc. c) Excreta: It contains human and animal excreta. It should be properly disposed, otherwise causes environmental pollution. ) Sullage: It is the wastewater disposed off from bathroom, latrine and kitchen. e) Ashes: When a solid fuel like coal, wood etc. is burnt, the residue left over is called ash. All these wastes are harmful for living beings, affect plant’s growth and cause diseases. These are disposed off by land filling, incineration and composting. Following table shows various human activities from whic h wastes are generated and their types of waste generated. | Various human activities | Types of waste generation | | | |Domestic wastes |Garbage and peeling of fruits and vegetables, other eatable things, paper, dust, | | |plastic etc. | | | | |Industrial wastes |Waste generated from power plant, construction sites, paper industries, textile | | |mills, cement industries etc. | | | | |Animal wastes, Plant remains and wastes from field etc. | |Agricultural wastes | | | |Garbage; dust, waste water and garbage from kitchen needles, latrine, street, | | |shops etc. |Municipal wastes | | | |Wastes from clinics, hospitals like needles, syringes and bandages. | | | | |Medical-aid-care | | 2. Industrial Wastes : Industries produce large amount of waste. The raw materials used in industries generally comes packed in containers and boxes that are discarded in large quantities. These materials do not get decomposed easily and as such remain in environment ultimately polluting it. Now we study about the wastes released from different industries. a) Iron and Steel Industry: Huge quantities of solid wastes are produced in the manufacturing of steel. This industry uses coal, lime, manganese, iron ore and water as raw materials. These wastes consist of dust, slag and sludge. Many acids are released like hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid, nitric acid etc. These kinds of waste products are difficult to dispose. b) Tanneries: The place where leather is made from animal skin is known as Tanneries. The wastes from tanneries cause maximum pollution amongst all the industrial wastes. c) Textile Industry: In textile mills, various fibres are used like cotton, woolen, silk, synthetic etc. For dying the fibre, a lot of water is used. When this water is released as waste, it is mixed with many chemicals. These liquid wastes from this industry pollute the environment. d) Paper and Pulp Industry: The solid wastes produced from these industries are screen dust, chips, mud from bleaching units etc. iquid wastes produced from pulp industry, which are extremely hazardous to the marine creatures. e) Thermal Plants: Thermal power plants require some fuel like coal. It is used to make steam that operates the generator. Tons of ash is left behind known as fly ash. When coal is burnt, other gases are also released along with the smoke as gaseous waste. Th ese wastes are very harmful to the environment. f) Nuclear Power Plants: The major raw materials used in the generation of nuclear power are-uranium and plutonium. Its waste remains radioactive for thousands of years. Hence, it can bring harm even to the future generations. ) Other Wastes: Besides these some industry, rubber-manufacturing industries, detergent industry, etc. produce various kinds of wastes in the environment. Oil refineries and petro-chemical plants release wastes containing mainly hydrocarbons, organic acids and inorganic sulphur compounds. |DO YOU KNOW †¦ | |Slaughter houses are the places which produce wastes like hides, skins, blood, bones, hair etc. These cause water pollution when | |released in water bodies. | 3. Agricultural Waste Agriculture is the process of cultivating the soil, harvesting crops and raising livestock. Modern agricultural techniques have increased. Agriculture includes ploughing, sowing, harvesting, threshing, winnowing, poultry farming, dairy farming, etc. a) Fertilizers: Fertilizers are used to improve the fertility of the soil. These are rich in nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium as such enhance the growth of plants. Fertilizers can be divided into two groups- Chemical fertilizers are made of chemicals that are produced in factories. Plants use only 60% of chemical fertilizers that are added to the soil. Organic fertilizers are made from organic wastes such as animal excreta and plant wastes. These include cow dung and compost, which are bio-degradable. b) Insecticides: Insecticides are used to kill insects that destroy the crop. DDT and aldrin are common insecticide. c) Pesticides: Pesticides are used to kill pests that harm crop. They cause irritation in eyes, fatigue, dizziness etc. d) Herbicides: These are the chemicals, used to kill fungi. E. g. dithiocarbomates. e) Rodenticides: These are the chemicals used to kill rats, mice etc. E. g. non-bromide and strychnine. 4. Municipal Waste: This include garbage, rubbish etc. from offices, markets, hotels, households etc. and the street refuse like sweeping dirt, litter etc. Garbage is generally biodegradable food, wastes and rubbish non-bio-degradable solid waste. Apart from these ashes, dead animals, pipes, wires, insulations, abandoned vehicles constitute the municipal wastes. 5. Commercial Waste: Waste products generated from shops, stores, restaurants etc. are called commercial waste. For example, construction debris, chemicals from printing press, plastic cans, fibres, glasses, cement factories etc. . Medical Waste: The waste things that are generated from laboratories, hospitals etc. are medical waste. These are infectious. Every day a number of patients visit hospitals and clinics. Their treatment generates a lot of infectious waste. It includes bandages, cotton, syringes, expired medicines, plastic bottles, bags etc. All should be disposed off properly as they may be toxic. 7. Electronic Waste: Electronic waste mostly consists of electronic items like abandoned computer parts (monitor, keyboard, CD’s chips, hard disk, floppy, etc. ), mobile phones, T. V, electronic iron etc. 9. Hazardous Waste: These are the substances that cause harm to human beings, plants and the environment. It includes waste water treatment, sludges from electroplating and sludges from oil refineries, dewatered air pollution, blast furnace sludges, radioactive waste and medical waste. Hazardous waste can be divided into five main categories- a) Radioactive wastes b) Bio-medial wastes c) Non-radioactive industrial liquid wastes. The organization chart given below shows the three different types of hazardous wastes. [pic] TYPES OF WASTE Introduction Any material that is discarded after use is referred to as waste. We have learnt in the previous chapter that there exist a number of sources that generate waste. With increase in the industrialization and urbanization, the quality of waste generated is estimated to be up to one ton per family in a year, which is hazardous to living creatures and environment. In order to understand the impacts of waste accumulation in environment, one need to first understand the impacts of waste accumulation in environment, one need to first understand the types of wastes. Types of Waste A waste is a movable object that has no direct use and it is discarded permanently. In other words, ‘Waste’ is something the owner no longer wants at a given place and at a given time and has no current or perceived market value. There are potential risks to the health and environment if these wastes are not handled properly. For this purpose, it is necessary to classify them. Generally, waste is of three types- 1. Bio- degradable Waste 2. Non- biodegradable Waste 3. Toxic Waste The following Organization Chart given below shows the three different types of waste- bio-degradable, non-biodegradable and toxic wastes pic] a) Bio- degradable Waste: Bio- degradable wastes are the waste that decays and mix with the soil. They can be broken into simpler forms by the action of micro- organisms. They are very easy to be disposed off and are disposed off by composting, landfills, etc. They are animal wastes, plant debris, mineral-based products, domestic garbage etc. b) Non- biode gradable Waste: Non-biodegradable wastes are the wastes that do not break into simpler forms by the action of micro- organisms. They also do not decay and mix with the soil. It is very difficult to dispose them off.. The best way of dispose them off is to recycle them. Some examples of non- biodegradable waste are glass, plastic, metals, tin cans, DDT, insecticides, pesticides, electronic waste, mercuric salts, radioactive waste etc. c) Toxic Waste: Toxic wastes include non- biodegradable wastes. However, they are different as they are more dangerous are more difficult to dispose them off. They are the poisonous wastes which do not easily settle down and broken by biological means. It includes municipal waste, agricultural waste, industrial waste and bio-medical waste. It is also important to classify the waste depending on their physical states. Based on physical appearance, waste is of three types- 1. Solid waste 2. Liquid waste 3. Gasous waste The following organization chart given below shows the three types of waste based on physical appearance.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Camel Facts
Camel Facts Camels are mammals known for their distinctive humped backs. Bactrian camels (Camelus bactrianus) have two humps, while dromedary camels (Camelus dromedarius) have one. These creatures humps store fat deposits that they use as sustenance when external food and water sources are scarce. Their ability to metabolize stored food for prolonged periods of time makes them good pack animals. Fast Facts: Camel Scientific Name: CamelusCommon Name: CamelBasic Animal Group: MammalsSize: 6–7 feet in heightWeight: 800–2,300 poundsLife Span: 15–50 yearsDiet: HerbivoreHabitat: Deserts in Central Asia (Bactrian) and North Africa and the Middle East (Dromedary)Population: 2 million domesticated Bactrian camels, 15 million domesticated dromedary camels, and less than 1,000 wild Bactrian camelsConservation Status: The wild Bactrian camel is classified as Critically Endangered. Other camel species are not considered endangered. Description Camels are well-known for their distinctive humps, but they also have other distinctive characteristics that make them well-suited for living in desert conditions. Importantly, camels have the ability to close their nostrils to prevent sand infiltration. They also have two rows of long lashes and a third eyelid. Both structures help to protect their eyes in harsh environments such as sandstorms. They also have thick hair that helps to protect them from the intense sunshine in their environment as well as padded feet to help withstand the hot temperatures of the desert floor. They are even-toed ungulates (hoofed mammals). Two-humped Camel.  Elena Kholopova/EyeEm/Getty Images Camels are usually between 6 and 7 feet in height and 9 to 11 feet in length. They can weigh up to 2,300 pounds. Other physical characteristics of camels include long legs, long necks, and a protruding snout with big lips. Habitat and Distribution Bactrian camels live in Central Asia, while dromedary camels live in North Africa and the Middle East. Wild bactrian camels live in south Mongolia and northern China. They are all typically found in desert regions, although they may also live in other similar environments like prairies. While we associate camels with extremely hot temperature environments, their habitat can also include extremely low temperature environments. They form a protective coat in the winter to help with the cold and shed the coat in the summer months. Diet and Behavior Camels are diurnal creatures, which means they are active during the day. They subsist on vegetation like low-lying grasses and other thorny and salty plants. To reach such low-lying plants and grasses, camels have developed a split upper lip structure so that each half of their upper lip can move independently, which helps them eat low-lying plants and grasses. Similar to cows, camels regurgitate food from their stomach back up to their mouths so they can chew it again. Camels can hydrate themselves faster than other mammals. They have been purported to drink approximately 30 gallons of water in a little over 10 minutes. Reproduction and Offspring Camels travel in herds made up of one dominant male and a number of females. A male bulls peak fertility, called rut, occurs at various times during the year based on species. Bactrians fertility peak occurs from November through May, while dromedaries can peak throughout the year. Males will usually mate with half a dozen or so females, although some males can mate with over 50 females in one season. Female camels have a gestation period of 12 to 14 months. When it is time to give birth, the expectant mother typically separates from the main herd. Newborn calves can walk shortly after birth, and after a period of a few weeks alone, the mother and calf rejoin the larger herd. Single births are most common, but twin camel births have been reported. Threats The wild Bactrian camel is threatened mainly by illegal hunting and poaching. Predator attacks as well as mating with domesticated Bactrian camels are also threats to the wild Bactrian camel population. Conservation Status Wild Bactrian camels (Camelus ferus) are designated as critically endangered by the IUCN. Fewer than 1,000 animals are left in the wild with a decreasing population. By comparison, there are an estimated 2 million domesticated Bactrian camels. Species There are two main species of camel: Camelus bactrianus and Camelus dromedarius. C. bactrianus have two humps, while C. dromedarius have one. A third species, Camelus ferus, is closely related to C. bactrianus but lives in the wild. Camels and Humans Humans and camels have a long history together. Camels have been used as pack animals for centuries and were likely domesticated in the Arabian peninsula between 3000 and 2500 BC. Due to their unique features that allow them to withstand desert travel, camels helped to facilitate trade. Sources â€Å"Camel.†San Diego Zoo Global Animals and Plants, animals.sandiegozoo.org/animals/camel.â€Å"Camel Breeding.†Breeding Camels, camelhillvineyard.com/camel-breeding.htm.
Friday, November 22, 2019
The Scales of Atmospheric Motion
The Scales of Atmospheric Motion The atmosphere is always in motion. Each of its swirls and circulations is known to us by name- a gust of wind, a thunderstorm, or a hurricane- but those names tell us nothing about its size. For that, we have weather scales. Weather scales group weather phenomena according to their size (the horizontal distance they span) and how long of a lifespan they have. In order from largest to smallest, these scales include the planetary, synoptic, and mesoscale. Planetary Scale Weather Planetary or global scale weather features are the largest and longest-lived. As their name suggests, they generally span tens of thousands of kilometers in size, extending from one end of the globe to another. They last weeks or longer. Examples of planetary-scale phenomena include: Semi-permanent pressure centers (the Aleutian Low, Bermuda High, Polar Vortex)The westerlies and trade winds Synoptic or Large Scale Weather Spanning somewhat smaller, yet large distances of a few hundred to several thousand kilometers, are synoptic scale weather systems. Synoptic scale weather features include those having lifetimes of a few days to a week or more, such as: Air massesHigh pressure systemsLow pressure systemsMid-latitude and extratropical cyclones (cyclones that occur outside of the tropics)Tropical cyclones, hurricanes, typhoons. Derived from the Greek word which means seen together, synoptic can also mean an overall view. Synoptic meteorology, then, deals with viewing a variety of large scale weather variables over a wide area at a common time. Doing this gives you a comprehensive and nearly instantaneous picture of the state of the atmosphere. If youre thinking this sounds an awful lot like a weather map, youre right! Weather maps are synoptic. Synoptic meteorology uses weather maps to analyze and predict large-scale weather patterns. So each time you watch your local weather forecast, you are seeing synoptic scale meteorology! Synoptic times displayed on weather maps are known as Z time or UTC. Mesoscale Meteorology Weather phenomena that are small in size- too small to be shown on a weather map- are referred to as mesoscale. Mesoscale events range from a few kilometers to several hundred kilometers in size. They last a day or less, and impact areas on a regional and local scale and include events such as: ThunderstormsTornadoesWeather frontsSea and land breezes Mesoscale meteorology deals with the study of these things and how the topography of a region modifies weather conditions to create mesoscale weather features. Mesoscale meteorology can be further divided into microscale events. Even smaller than mesoscale weather events are microscale events, which are smaller than 1 kilometer in size and very short-lived, lasting minutes only. Microscale events, which include things like turbulence and dust devils, dont do much to our daily weather.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Principal institutions of European Union Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Principal institutions of European Union - Essay Example Britain joined the European Economic Community in 1973 and since then, European law has become a significant part of the laws of the UK (Adams, 2013). The Maastricht Treaty which came to force in 1993 officially changed the name of the EEC to the European Union and integrated the three main wings of the European communal cooperations into the European Union. The European Communities Act of 1972 integrated European Union Law into UK Law (Adams, 2013). This implies that the UK is a signatory to the European Union and it has to adhere to rules, regulations and directives. The various institutions of the European Union therefore engage in laws that are directly or indirectly applicable to the UK. The main institutions of the EU are hereby discussed below alongside their impact on the making of European Union laws. The European Council of Ministers is the main legislative arm of the European Union (Gerven, 2010). The Council of Ministers was set up by the Treaty of Nice that all the member states of the European Union signed. Article 203 of the Treaty of Nice states that "a representative of each member state at ministerial level authorised to commit the government of the Member State". This means that the Council of Ministers, popularly known as Council of Europe is constituted of a minister of state who is recognised under international law. Such ministers come together to make laws and rules for the Union. The Council of Ministers varies according to the matter or subject under discussion. Thus, if the matter in question is about Agriculture, the Agricultural Ministers of each member state would have to be present at the council meeting and when they make laws, it is authorised and approved by the states through their ministers (Richardson, 2012). The primary function of the Council of Ministers is to coordinate and make policies that are binding on the institutions and
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Just write after reading the promt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Just write after reading the promt - Essay Example In this regard, there is a need to examine the benefits that new technologies can bring to us. New technologies have introduced communication devices such as smart phones and computer-related devices. One longer has to travel and meet face-to-face in order to deliver a message. The new technological devices have made the world appear like a global village since individuals from different continents communicate real time and use video links to see each other during the conversation. Individuals have become accustomed to new technological devices such that they do not imagine a world without them. To make it worse, some claim they cannot fail to pick calls or reply to messages while driving. For instance, Roman admits that he responds to calls and text messages while driving and claims that he cannot stop (Turkle 170). The influences the new technologies have brought are enormous. Previously, I did not see the need to own an expensive and sophisticated phone such as a smart phone. However, time has proven me wrong because the influence of my peers and the changing times have prompted me to buy one. After owning the smart phone, I came to realize the benefits I was denying myself. The device has made my work easier because I do not need to ask anyone for direction, especially when I move to new locations. I use it to navigate using the available map and other compass devices. I have downloaded many applications such as Whatssup and joined many social groups such as Facebook and Twitter. I connect with my friends and family whenever I want from anywhere. I find the smart phone helpful and dread the time I delayed purchasing one. I take pictures when touring new places and store in the device’s memory. The device allows one to print the stored photos and send them to friends and relatives. The refore, when outside home, I always keep in touch and send updates of my status to my family. The use of
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Measures Taken for Reducing Maid Abuse in Singapore Essay Example for Free
Measures Taken for Reducing Maid Abuse in Singapore Essay There are approximately 150,000 migrant domestic workers (MDW) in Singapore and many of them suffer forms of abuse – physical and sexual violence, food deprivation, confinement in workplace and late or non-payment of salary. In 2011, an estimated 4000 MDWs ran away from their employers’ home, many of them frustrated, overworked and underpaid. (TWC2, 2011) The Singapore law doesn’t stipulate a minimum wage or mandatory rest days in contracts for these domestic workers. Instead, many initiatives have been put in place to protect the interests of these workers. (Agence France Presse, 2003) From January 2005, workers seeking to enter Singapore as MDWs have to be at least 23 years of age and have completed a minimum 8 years of formal education. They must also sit for an entry test in English to validate the worker’s linguistic, numerical and practical abilities. These measures are aimed at improving the overall quality of workers who will be working in Singapore households in an effort to promote harmonious working relationships with their employers. These workers will also be in a stronger position to understand their rights and seek protection or recourse under Singapore law should they suffer any form of abuse or ill treatment. Ministry of Manpower (MOM) has also put in place training courses to educate employers. Starting from April 2004, first time employers of MDWs have to attend a compulsory Employers Orientation Program, which educates employers on their obligations towards these workers. It underlines good employment practices to promote mutual respect between both parties. A new accreditation system has also been put in place to regulate employment agencies, which provide recruitment and placement services of these MDWs from June 2004. The accreditation requirements include proper orientation of MDWs, employer education in regards to their obligations towards the welfare of MDWs and the facilitation of written employment contracts between MDWs and their employers. Failure to achieve this accreditation will result in agency’s license being revoked. While these measures work towards protecting MDWs interests and well being, the challenge to make sure agencies and employers follows suit still exists. There are still cases of physical abuse reported and many more go undetected and unreported even though the government has stiffened penalties for acts of abuse against MDWs. Moreover, there are currently no regulations on fees charged by these agencies resulting in excessive fees being paid by MDWs to secure employment in Singapore, some of whom receive no salary for up to a year just to pay off these fees. (HRW, pg 48-51) Regulations should be passed to limit the extent these fees are being charged to MDWs. Singapore’s government also charges employers of MDWs a monthly levy of S$345 on top of a bond of $5000 per worker. This tax allows the Singapore government to collect approximately $400m each year, of which very little goes towards improving support services for these workers. The government should in turn use these taxes to help to create awareness of maid abuse or to pass it on to the various Volunteer Welfare Organisations such as Humanitarian Organization for Migration Economics and Transient Workers Count Too to work on prevention of maid abuse. It is MOMs requirement that the maid go for a medical check up every six months. Beside this measure, they could also conduct regular spot check on the maid, just like what they done for the foreign construction workers to check on safety measurements.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Tale of the Haunted GPS Navigation System Essay -- Urban Legends
Tale of the Haunted GPS Navigation System The storyteller, who happens to be my cousin, currently works as a math teacher. He is 24 years old and lives at home with his mother and father. His mother, a talented artist, works for the United States Postal Service and his father, who is an electrician, installs security systems for homes and offices. Both of his parents are Korean and although his older brother was born in Korea, he was born in the United States. He is very athletic and enjoys skateboarding and snowboarding. When he was younger he was always the one most willing to take risks in the family. He is also a talented guitarist. He also has deep religious convictions as a devout Christian, when asked what he thinks of ghost stories in general he merely shrugged them off as stories meant for entertainment rather than anything of merit. When asked about the origins of the particular story he said that a friend mentioned it at a party several years ago. The story was told during a snowboarding trip to Vermont this past spring. There were two members in the audience (including myself) and it was told in the room of the Red Oak Inn at around 11:30 PM. My cousin, who was seated on his bed, made eye contact with each audience member as he began his story. A couple was interested in buying a navigation system so they visited several stores in search of the best deal. In most cases the prices were too expensive for them so they went on craigslist and found a great deal on a used GPS system. They received the unit in the mail and wanted to try it out right away. They installed their GPS unit [imitates placing a GPS unit in a car windshield with hands] in the car and turned it on. The wife, out of curiosity, hi... ...of the motivating factors behind their purchase was the fact that the unit was cheap. There have been many cases where items posted on sites such as craigslist or ebay that have very attractive prices turn out to have serious defects or are fake. In this case the couple bought a haunted GPS unit that had killed the previous owner. The story reveals society’s general fear of things that are second-hand or things bought through websites where users, not companies, sell their wares. The story of the haunted GPS unit served as a commentary on the consequences of over-reliance as well as blind trust in not only navigation units, but also technology in general. It also served as a warning against buying items that were at too good to be true prices from websites where the sellers are not reputable companies but users who have no desire to maintain a good reputation.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
A Book Review on “Under a Cruel Star†Essay
A narrative memoir of the author Heda Margolius Kovaly given in her book Under a Cruel Star depicts the tragic history and stories of various chaoses including the Czechoslovakia turmoil and Soviet Union. In here, she tells how their lives moved through dilemma just to adapt in certain situations where her religious practice, gender, social and economic status are relevantly part in her way of living. Heda Kovaly’s narration is made up of her observations, lessons learned, experiences, ideas, and some of her justification towards her decisions made, in which we can conclude that some are without the presence of her willingness or should we say just an act of woman’s submissiveness to her husband. As a brief recapitulation of the book, Heda opened up telling that the three forces shaped in the past history also formed her life as a whole. She recounted every episode of their lives although not in details. It started up from Heda Kovaly’s experiences in 1941 before he got married to Rudolf Margolius during the turmoil in Prague, Czechoslovakia under post-Nazi regime. Her deportation from Prague to Lodz ghetto in Auschwitz opened up disruption of her supposedly peaceful life. She mentioned how she managed to escape from the marching prisoners of war heading to Reich, Germany. Right after Prague chaos, she met his childhood sweetheart Rudolf and got married to him. Rudolf was a survivor of Nazi government’s several concentration camps; however, unlike other Nazi victims who utterly opposed communism ideals, Rudolf embraced this thought and therefore got a life out of it. Heda became a follower of her husband’s beliefs and principles. It ended up when Rudolf got arrested in 1951 with the reason of advocating his ideology, and it followed his execution after the Stalinist trials in which Heda herself witnessed. Just imagine how painful and helpless it is on Heda’s part to see his husband dying in the prosecution, and this feeling of Heda has shared with her readers as it magically brought by her narration. Hardships and sufferings pushed Heda to live despite harassment of the society as a result of just being Rudolf’s wife and partner. Heda remembered how the society persecuted her and her son by means of forced evacuation from their rented house, hastily and rudely dismissal from the hospital amidst necessary medication, and religiously losing her job one after another. Such difficulties ran for five more years following Rudolf’s death. However, Heda’s willingness to live continued as she believes that their journey did not stop on Rudolf’s imprisonment and execution. Instead, it opened up another episode of her life where she survived really hard to be able to support and augment their child’s basic needs. More than a decade after that nightmare, Heda received an invitation from the Czech government as the latter said revocation of Rudolf’s name in the Stalinist show trial. Heda insisted total absolution of Rudolf’s name and a publicly retrial of the case. She also radically demanded that the Czech government has to admit solely the guilt that it has to make a public apology for the victims including Rudolf and his family. Thus began Heda’s open advocacy opposing Communism as well as Stalinism, and to encourage everyone to stop anti-Semitism views whether in Czechoslovakia, in Europe, or in the world as a whole. Heda wrote the book basically with the purpose of enlightening the readers about such experiences of a Jewish family, specifically a Jewish woman in Czechoslovakia under Nazi government and Communism though she mentioned dedicating the book for her son to Rudolf Marqolius. Her audience could be anyone who is interested in historical topics such as political and social evolution in Europe and their impacts on the world history in general. Though the book failed to follow proper formatting as it is only a narrative of Heda’s own story and experiences and that it is transcribed in an informal way, it also fails to meet historical analysis and proper illustration. However, the help and information it could bring to the students who are known being idealists are quite immeasurable. They will surely love reading this book again and again as it inspires their modern principles and ideals. Under the Cruel Star is not designed to be a university textbook but it helps in a way educating the students especially of History courses such as History 101 which tackles Themes in Modern History like ours. Surely, Heda Morgolius Kovaly’s story could be a glass of cold water poured on fire. It means that a communist believer who happens to read this book would change his belief reading this. It makes possible as the testimony entails drastic impact to the lives of innocent ones in the past. On my part, the book signifies peaceful victory over chaotic ambiance having Heda’s view of love over hate. Like Heda who happens to forgive the tragic past, and use it to advocate equality through her text irregardless of many difficulties including her religious beliefs being a Jew. To conclude, I should say that I have learned through this book that what really important is how a victim of a wary world remains peaceful at heart in the end. R E F E R E N C E Kovaly, Heda Margolius. Under A Cruel Star: A Life in Prague 1941-1968. Holmes and Meier Publishing Company, 1997.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Le Petti Gourmet
Jim O’Connor, President and Owner of Le Petit Gourmet, received a shocking phone call while vacation in California, which informed him that his business is going to shut down indefinitely due to the outbreaks of hepatitis A in his catering facility. Le Petit Gourmet was a family catering business that had been operating in the Denver metro area for more than 30 years. Le Petit employed between 150 and 200 people, 75 of whom were full time. Along with Le Petit was perceived as the most expensive and upscale caterer in Denver, O’Connor also want his business to be known for good food on all levels, from cookies to lobsters. Le petit Gourmet’s business had been on the upswing in recent years. On November 22, Health Department notified O’Connor that his kitchen manager infected by hepatitis A, and by Nov 30, the doctor confirm the case. Due to the further outbreak on Dec 30, Le Petit Gourmet is being shut down completely, and the health departments have ordered food-service workers in metro Denver area to using gloves or utensils when handling food in prevention to hepatitis A. In addition, Le Petit Gourmet employees were forbidden to work as food-handlers anywhere else until January 31. When he returned from San Francisco, Jim O’Connor found that his business and family were under siege. The media, his insurance agents, lawyers, and health department inspectors, Le Petit employees and customers were waiting for his explanation on how he going to handle the hepatitis outbreaks. Initially, he hired a public relations firm to assist him, but decided that he needed to take a more active role to save his business. First of all, he personally called the victims of hepatitis and apologized for what had happened. He also meets with his employees to calm their fears. Afterward, he make sure that his company will have enough cash flow on hands to handle this crisis by delaying payment to his vendors and negotiated a larger mortgage, because he realized that he doesn’t have income for undetermined amount of time. To win back the public on their side, O’Connor and his staff decided to dumped $45,000 of food products into the trash. Many of these items were unopened and frozen products, not part of the infected food. O’Connor was able to maintain his employees during the outbreaks, he honestly tell them that pay cut was imminent in the future, but if your stand by me and help me, I will commit to pay you back when the business is getting better. He also states to the employees that the infected person have been left Le Petit Gourmet, we are very safe working here in Le Petit Gourmet. When he have all the information he need, he held a news conference at the Le Petit Gourmet facility and explained what had happened and what he and Le Petit Gourmet prepared to do about the crisis. During the outbreak periods, other catering companies was worried that this crisis would effects their companies, so they mailed out letter to inform their clientele that this only happened to Le Petit Gourmet and will never happened against them. Due the O’Connor and his staffs diligent works, Le Petit Gourmet finally reopened on January 11, and they have their first catering job on January 14. Main Issues The main issues for this case was how O’Connor able to handle this crisis with ease and win back the reputation for his business. When the crisis first happened, O’Connor is put in a very tough spot, not only that he has face the media, health department, employees, etc†¦ they all waiting for him to inform them what is really happened behind this mess that cost by Le Petit Gourmet. I think that O’Connor did excellent job step by step to get his business reopened and back to business as soon as possible. First of all, he realized that he not going to have enough cash flow on hands to solve the problem, because he will have no income for long period of time due to the out breaks. Smartly, he asked his vendors for a delay payment, and also negotiated a larger mortgage to make sure to have enough cash on hand to solve the crisis. Money could be use to compensate the victims or pay for attorney fees, and also need to pays his employees. Second of all, he was acting as a public relations spokesperson, who called all the victims and apologized for what had happened. He also met with his employees to calm their fears by telling them that the individual to whom the initial outbreak had been traced had already left the company, we are in a very safe working environment. He honestly told his employees that pay cut were imminent in the immediate future and their long-term status at Le Petit Gourmet was cloudy, but if they can stay on his side during this difficult time, he will make commitment to help them later on. In addition, he also dumped $45,000 dollars of food products into the trash, to inform everyone that everything that has to do with hepatitis A will be destroyed and nothing will be held. I am most impress with O’Connor was that he didn’t shy away from the media, after he gather all the information he needed and collected himself personally, he held a new conference at the Le Petit Gourmet facility and explained what had happened and what he and Le Petit Gourmet as a company were prepared to do about the crisis. Finally, due to the diligent works from O’Connor and his staffs, Le Petit Gourmet was finally reopened on January 11, and got they first catering job on January 14. I believe that O’Conner manage everything very well during the crisis, he win back the reputation of his company by holding a news conference and inform everybody what has happened, and win back his employees by honestly tell them what is going to happened in the future, he didn’t hide anything from anyone. He tells everyone what he thinks and what he going to about it.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Comparison of observation and sampling as methods of research
Comparison of observation and sampling as methods of research Introduction Research is the act of finding knowledge by such means as investigations so that facts can be established. Research variables are those individual empirical items that can take on different values. This work discusses two methodologies of research namely; observation and sampling.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Comparison of observation and sampling as methods of research specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Its main focus is the advantages and the disadvantages of each method in relation to the different techniques involved in each method. The techniques represent the multicultural aspects in relation to traditional research methods. Observation Observation is the act of receiving and recording data into the human senses or in scientific apparatus. It can also be defined as a method of receiving knowledge. The way a researcher looks at things, or any data that is collected from the field are also known as observations. Observation needs a rigorous preparation that also includes formulation of hypotheses (Educationforum, 2010). During a research operation, researchers has to ask themselves questions about a phenomenon, observe the phenomenon, hypothesize it, predict a logical sequence by extrapolation and inferences, test the hypothesis experimentally, and finalizing the process by making a conclusion based on the results of the test. From the above sequence, it is evident that observation plays a big role in the second and the fifth steps. Observation, as a way of research is classified into two techniques namely non participant and participant techniques. It is worth noting that the two methods can be used simultaneously. In the non participatory technique, the researcher does the observation but does not join the group in question. On the other hand, the researcher does the observation while joining the group in the participatory technique. One of the advantages of observa tion as a method of research is that it can generate data that is deviant. Despite these deviations that may render the data unreliable, a strong fact that makes the method useful is that the data is highly representative. The method can also be used to study a small population (Ngo, 2010). It is also applicable where interviews are quite expensive or untimely like during investigations that involve the emotional issues of toddlers. Another advantage of this method that seems to be quite obvious but often forgotten is that the researcher can study a particular group of population that other methods cannot be employed to study.Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A particular behavioral pattern within a specified population can also be studied on a daily basis at specific localities (Ngo, 2010). In special instances, especially when using participatory techniques, a res earcher can obtain highly accurate data that is also very rich. Observation techniques do also have their own disadvantages. The findings of observed data can lack the aspect of reliability (Educationforum, 2010). The data may reflect that of superficial observations and this method can only investigate a small number of population at a time. According to recent studies, during these investigations, a researcher may influence the population in question to behave differently. Other disadvantages of observation as a method of research include fatigue of the researcher due to high involvement, presence of ethical problems particularly when dealing with a population that engages in illegal activities and the misrepresentation of data during non participatory observation. Sampling A sample is a single item within a large population of reference. Samples are usually used when the individual items in the population are too numerous in number to count or the main item of reference is too hu ge to investigate. It is through the collected samples that a researcher can find the desired details that they can use to make inferences. Sampling is the process whereby a sample of a particular population is studied for further details and inferences and extrapolations made to the specified population. There are many different types of sampling depending on the method of classification, for instance, there are random samples and nonrandom samples. Sampling employs different techniques that include, simple random, stratified random, cluster, stage, purposive, quota, snowball, volunteers, accidental, and convenience. Their advantages range from one sample to another. However, compared to research methods such as observation, their advantages seem to be following a general trend. Even the disadvantages behave in a similar manner. Thus, the main advantages are that some techniques of sampling are highly representative especially the simple random. Specific groups are usually represen ted and the methods used ensure that much localized populations are not missed. Sampling also ensures that there is a balance of group sizes especially if the investigations include the selection of multiple groups.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Comparison of observation and sampling as methods of research specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In specific sampling methods such as quota method, there is a certainty in precise selection of numbers of the items in questions, which have appropriate characteristics. Sampling also offers the opportunity to investigate a group in which no identifiable clusters exist. Last but not least, sampling is an inexpensive way that can be viewed in terms of economies of scale. This means that a researcher can investigate sufficient numbers of a study using fewer resources. At the same time sampling in general is more reliable since the sample data collected from the selected s amples makes room for a quick inference on the population parameters (Emathzone, 2008). This method also has its own disadvantages. Most specific sampling techniques such as simple random are not possible to execute without a complete set of population members. At the same time, these methods are not quite economical to achieve and may involve a lot of time. Other sampling techniques such as stratified random, are pretty demanding in terms of effort. They also require a more careful definition of strata. Sampling as a method of research demands a lot of care in choosing the techniques. A researcher has to be careful in the choice such that the technique used should be the most appropriate and at the same time economical in terms of resources and time. Stage sampling is pretty complex because it combines limitations of cluster and stratified random sampling (Emathzone, 2008). In the purposive technique, samples are not easily defensible as being representative of the entire populatio n in question. This is because there may be an element of subjectivity operating within the researcher’s mind and their specific operations. In some instances, it may not be possible to prove whether the sample is representative of the population in question. Good examples of this are the quota and the snowball techniques (Educationforum, 2010). Another disadvantage of sampling, especially when using the volunteer, accidental and convenience technique is that the method can be highly unrepresentative Conclusion The above research methodologies can be useful in executing research projects that involve different sizes of population. Sampling can be used to investigate large populations while observation is used to investigate particular features in small populations.Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The advantages of both methods seem to compliment such that one method steps in where the other method is not applicable. This phenomenon is also appropriately related to their disadvantages. Reference List Educationforum, (2010). Research Methods: Observation. Web. Emathzone, (2008). Sample Survey and Advantages of Sampling. Web. Ngo, D. (2010). Observation Methods. Web.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Melt Aluminum Cans at Home
How to Melt Aluminum Cans at Home Aluminum is a common and useful metal, known for its corrosion resistance, malleability, and for being lightweight. Its safe enough to be used around food and in contact with skin. Its much easier to recycle this metal than it is to purify it from ores. You can melt old aluminum cans to get molten aluminum. Pour the metal into a suitable mold to make jewelry, cookware, ornaments, sculptures, or for another metalworking project. Its a great introduction to home recycling. Key Takeaways: Melt Aluminum Cans Aluminum is an abundant and versatile metal that is easily recycled.The melting point of aluminum is low enough that it can be melted with a hand-held torch. However, the project goes more quickly using a furnace or kiln.Recycled aluminum can be used to make sculptures, containers, and jewelry. Materials for Melting Aluminum Cans Melting cans is not complicated, but its an adult-only project because high temperatures are involved. Youll want to work in a clean, well-ventilated area. Its not necessary to clean the cans before melting them since organic matter (plastic coating, leftover soda, etc.) will burn off during the process. Aluminum cansSmall furnace of the electric kiln (or another heat source that reaches the appropriate temperature, such as a propane torch)Steel crucible (or other metal with a melting point much higher than aluminum, yet lower than your furnace- could be a sturdy stainless steel bowl or a cast iron skillet)Heat-resistant glovesMetal tongsMolds into which youll pour the aluminum (steel, iron, etc.- be creative) Melting the Aluminum The first step youll want to take is to crush the cans so that you can load as many as possible into the crucible. Youll get about 1 pound of aluminum for every 40 cans. Load your cans into the container youre using as a crucible and place the crucible inside the kiln. Close the lid.Fire up the kiln or furnace to 1220 °F. This is the melting point of aluminum (660.32  °C, 1220.58  °F), but below the melting point of steel. The aluminum will melt almost immediately once it reaches this temperature. Allow half a minute or so at this temperature to assure the aluminum is molten.Put on safety glasses and heat-resistant gloves. You should be wearing a long-sleeve shirt, long pants, and covered toe shoes when working with extremely hot (or cold) materials.Open the kiln. Use tongs to slowly and carefully remove the crucible. Do not place your hand inside the kiln! Its a good idea to line the path from the kiln to the mold with a metal pan or foil, to aid in clean-up of spills.Pour the liquid aluminum into the mold. It will take about 15 minutes for the aluminum to solidify on its own. If desired, you can place the mold in a bucket of cold water after a few minutes. If you do this, use caution, since steam will be produced. There may be some leftover material in your crucible. You can knock the dregs out of the crucible by slapping it upside down onto a hard surface, such as concrete. You can use the same process to knock the aluminum out of the molds. If you have trouble, change the temperature of the mold. The aluminum and mold (which is a different meta) will have a different coefficient of expansion, which you can use to your advantage when freeing one metal from another.Remember to turn off your kiln or furnace when youre done. Recycling doesnt make much sense if youre wasting energy, right? Did You Know? Re-melting aluminum to recycle it is far less expensive and uses less energy than producing new aluminum from the electrolysis of aluminum oxide (Al2O3). Recycling uses about 5% of the energy needed to make the metal from its raw ore. About 36% of aluminum in the United States comes from recycled metal. Brazil leads the world in aluminum recycling. The country recycles 98.2% of its aluminum cans. Sources Morris, J. (2005). Comparative LCAs for curbside recycling versus either landfilling or incineration with energy recovery. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 10(4), 273–284.Oskamp, S. (1995). Resource conservation and recycling: Behavior and policy. Journal of Social Issues. 51 (4): 157–177. doi:10.1111/j.1540-4560.1995.tb01353.xSchlesinger, Mark (2006). Aluminum Recycling. CRC Press. p. 248. ISBN 978-0-8493-9662-5.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Apple, Inc. Business Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Apple, Inc. Business Analysis - Essay Example Apple Incorporation was established in the year 1976 by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak and has its head office in California. The company enjoys a well reputed history over quite an extended period in the field of manufacturing, designing as well as in marketing. These mentioned services were offered in relation to personal computers along with the associated services software, networking solutions and peripherals across the globe. Presently, the company has been observed to benefit from a market share of above 87.3 percent in the global automotive market with regard to its MP3 players and iPod along with its products related to personal computer. The mentioned products named Macintosh was found to command its share to around 2 percent in the global Personal Computer market. Apart from iPod, Apple also indulges in designing, marketing and developing the associated accomplices as well as services. The company even deals online in music stores along with making available its software rel ated to iTunes in Windows as well as Mac OS. The music store operated by the company online has a strong legal presence in the download market and dominated it by around 70 percent. The company even offers products as software for the reason of offering information to the students. In addition, the company offers other additional third-party computing products as well as supplies in a wide range (Lin, 2005). The financial position of the company Apple is compared with two other companies in this paper so as to ascertain its financial health based on the income statement, cash flow and balance sheet. The two companies with which Apple would be compared are Dell and IBM. With this concern, the balance sheet, income statement and the cash flow statements of Apple Inc. has been studied in order to ascertain the financial health of the company. Financial Comparison & Review In its current performance, Apple recorded a net income of $25,922 million and the cash generated from the operatin g activities amounted to $37,529 million which depicted a huge increase compared to its previous year, 2011. The net revenue of the company was also recorded to be $28,270 million, increasing by a huge margin from the previous year that is 2010. The total assets had also increased remarkably in contrast to the previous years. Furthermore, a huge increase in the goodwill of the company was also recorded which proved to be a favorable indication for the company. The total equity was observed to depict an increase compared to the previous year (Apple Inc, 2011). Therefore, it could be inferred that the company displays a strong financial position currently. It was observed after studying the financial statements of Dell that the revenue of the company increased by a significant 16 percent. The revenue amounted to $61.5 billion in the year 2011 which was recorded to be the highest increase in the history of the company. It was ascertained from the balance sheet and the cash flow stateme nt that the net cash derived from the various operating activities increased substantially. A rise was also recorded in the assets of the company along with a sharp increase in the overall stockholder’s equity. The operating profit or revenue of the company is considered to be the fundamental source of capital for supporting its regular business functions. Therefore, the increase in the net cash from the other operating activities would prove beneficial for the company. The cash flow from the operations was determined to be $4.0 billion which again depicted an increase from the previous year that is 2010. The increased returns from the cash flows played a vital role in helping the company to increase their competencies along with attaining fresh competitive advantages. The net income of the company was ascertained to be $2635 million which showed an increase from the previous years. Therefore, it can be stated that the financial health of the company is quite favorable for it s growth (Annual Reports, 2011). The financial
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