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Monday, December 16, 2019
The Matrix And The Allegory Of The Cave Analysis - 1102 Words
Written over two thousand years apart, The Matrix and The Allegory of the Cave still stir up the same type of intellectual discussions over full enlightenment despite taking place in an entirely different world. Written between 380 and 360 B.C, The Allegory of the Cave, depicts a hypothetical situation in which a group of prisoners have been chained since birth only able to see the shadows casted on to the wall in front of them. They know nothing more than the shadows they see on the wall, completely oblivious to everything going on in the world. However, just because that’s all they know, doesn’t mean that’s all there is, it isn’t until they are unchained and introduced to the real world that they are truly enlightened. Much later, in†¦show more content†¦Not knowing anything other than the shadows and not being told anything else has led them to believe that what they were looking at was true. Very similarly the matrix is a world created by comp uters creating a false reality for everyone living in it. The matrix creates a simulation of a world the humans are living in causing them to believe their world is real despite the fact the real world is being controlled by artificial intelligence. Lastly, the plot of each story is very similar. Both works begin by introducing the main character(s) who are living their life not knowing the truth about reality. And although it might happen in different ways, Neo and the prisoners are â€Å"freed†from what they know as reality and introduced to the real world. Each story then goes on to show how they are now capable of infinite wisdom now that they know what is in fact real. Despite each story going through that process quite differently, the main idea is essentially the same throughout The Matrix and The Allegory of the Cave. On the contrary, the stories differ in the fact that the prisoners in The Allegory weren’t able to choose to be enlightened like Neo did. The prisoners were unchained from the life the knew watching the shadows on the wall and were basically forced outside to the actual realities of the world. Neo was given the option to take theShow MoreRelatedThe Matrix And Allegory Of The Cave Analysis769 Words  | 4 Pagesboth The Matrix and Allegory of the Cave. The Matrix, written by Lana Wachowski illustrates many questions throughout. The main character, Neo, tries finding Morpheus in need of an answer to his question. What is the Matrix? Considering, Morpheus is the most dangerous man alive, he does all that he can to find him. Neo is approached by Trinity and led to the underworld to meet Morpheus. They soon realize that Neo is â€Å"The One†who can defeat the Matrix. Similarly,The Allegory of the Cave,which tookRead MoreAllegory Of The Cave And The Matrix Analysis1986 Wo rds  | 8 Pagespossible,†(The Matrix). These words spoken at the conclusion of the Wachowski Brothers’ 1999 film, The Matrix, by the main character Neo represent a deeper meaning and a connection to ancient literature many people viewing the film might not realize. This quote relates to a work of literature more than two millennia old, the narrative by Plato called The Allegory of the Cave. Much like how Neo must endure the stages of enlightenment to rise from the blissful ignorance controlled by the matrix in the movieRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Allegory Of The Cave And The Wachoskis The Matrix921 Words  | 4 PagesIn addition, the people in the allegory give up to walked out of the cave that still back to the dark. Besides in the movie, Neo found out that which the world, which he lived a long time was the in illusory world. Both of Plato’s â€Å"Allegory of the Cave†and the Wachoskis’ The Matrix are involved in this principles; ho wever, they are having some similarities and differences that between their changes and their worlds. In the allegory, the people who lived in the cave is restrained with the iron ropeRead MoreComparing The Matrix With Readings From Plato And Descartes1023 Words  | 5 Pagescontrasting The Matrix with readings from Plato and Descartes This essay will discuss The Matrix, from synopsis of the following; The Republic by Plato, depicting the famous cave allegory, and Meditations on First Philosophy by Descartes, offering doubt that some senses are accurate. By examining these two readings, and the movie, it will allow the author to show some comparisons, and to show how they are also different as this essay indicates the world is very real. The Matrix In The MatrixRead MoreEssay on The Matrix and Plato’s Allegory of the Cave 1922 Words  | 8 Pagesand what is simply illusion brought by our subjective view of the world? But when attempting to understand the nature of our existence, about why we are here, the complexities of life often make it difficult to interpret this subject. The film The Matrix centers on this same concept that the known world is an illusion. The movies core theme of reality and illusion is definite to the humans understanding of what the true meaning of life is. Ones understanding of reality is only defined by their choiceRead MoreAnalysis of Film The Matrix Essay1575 Words  | 7 PagesAnalysis of Film The Matrix The Matrix, released at Easter in 1999, is both a piece of cinematic entertainment and a film portraying religious and philosophical allegories. The Matrix can therefore be viewed from two different perspectives; purely as an action film or instead on a deeper level, exploring the more insidious values hidden in the plot. As a piece of cinematic entertainment, the Matrix was a very successful film release. It contains fight scenes, chaseRead MoreAnalysis Of Irigaray In The Allegory Of The Cave756 Words  | 4 PagesIrigaray 2: Explain Irigaray’s role as a reader of Plato. What does she hope to do? In interpreting Plato’s â€Å"The Allegory of the Cave,†Luce Irigaray implements a feminist critique of his work; thus, exposing its aid in the patriarchy, while essentially providing a viable response to the male-oriented exclusion of women from advancing through philosophical thought. Throughout her analysis of Plato, Irigaray is wary of the assumptions plagued when reading Plato and gives further reason for pause andRead MoreThe And Of The Cave1314 Words  | 6 Pageswith his cave allegory explained in Lecture I: Plato (Lecture I: Plato, 2015, Dr. Jung-Yeup Kim). Human beings live in a cave in which they are prisoners. In order to be set free and to leave this cave, it is primordial for them to use mental analysis, in order words their reason. However, they might risk imprisoning themselves in a blinding logic by over reasoning and over rationalizing. Hence, it is necessary to understand how the use of reason permits individuals to escape from the cave. A humanRead MoreCartesian and Platonic Philosophical Themes in The Matrix Essay2065 Words  | 9 Pagesin the movie The Matrix. It will step through how the questions from the movie directly relate to both skepticism and the mind-body problem, and further how similarly those problems look to concepts raised by both Descartes’ and Plato’s philosophies. It will attempt to show that many of the questions raised in the movie are metaphor for concepts from each philosopher’s works, and why those concepts are important in relation to how they are presented in the film. In this analysis, we will examineRead More Platos The Republic and The Old Testament Essay2260 Words  | 10 Pagesprovide us with a more acute representation of those themes and ideas than would any individual portion thereof. The Perennial Philosophy, then, is exactly the point of view I will work from as I elucidate the connections between Plato’s allegory of the Cave and the Judeo-Christian myths. Both of these accounts, I will argue, make reference to precisely the same state of wakefulness that we encountered in the Buddhist parable above, but each does it in a manner constrained by the historical and
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